With Chronicle, it’s easy to manage and track reading assessments.  Here’s one option:

Using the integrated grade book, I enter TC Assessments as the Grading Event Category (my district uses reading assessments developed by Columbia University’s Teachers College – hence, “TC Assessments”).  I then insert the students’  reading levels prior to entering my class (see June 4th Grade) as the first Grading Event). I can easily color-code these levels, if desired, to indicate who is reading below grade level, at grade level, and above grade level; however, I haven’t done this…at least yet.


This makes it easy for me when I go to administer this year’s beginning of the year assessments, and track student progress thereafter.  I can also use the comment feature of the grade book to input any comments regarding the assessment if desired.  I like to use the customizable note-taking component of Chronicle for this though.  With the ability to include audio recordings when taking a note, documenting a student’s fluency proficiency is simple.  I also have the option of using this audio recording for immediate student feedback, goal setting, or for future sharing purposes.

Happy Chronicling!