The Top EdTech Trends to Follow in 2024- Part 1


Ray Kurzweil’s prediction that AI will attain human levels of intelligence by 2029, with the singularity occurring in 2045, where human intelligence merges with created AI intelligence, is a bold and futuristic assertion. As Google’s Director of Engineering, Kurzweil is recognized for his visionary perspectives on the future of technology.

While such predictions may initially seem fanciful or far-fetched, personal experiences, such as trying ChatGPT for the first time in early December, can prompt a reevaluation. The advancement and capabilities demonstrated by AI tools like ChatGPT provide tangible examples of how rapidly AI is evolving. These experiences may lead to reconsidering the timelines and possibilities outlined by experts like Kurzweil.

The transformative impact of AI on various aspects of our lives, including language processing and communication with systems like ChatGPT, invites contemplation on the trajectory of AI development. Whether or not Kurzweil’s predictions align with the actual progression of AI remains to be seen. Still, AI tools’ increasing integration and sophistication certainly contribute to ongoing discussions about the potential future intersections of human and artificial intelligence.

The transformative influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable, penetrating diverse sectors, from healthcare to finance, entertainment to transportation, and reshaping the fabric of our daily lives. In this era of rapid technological evolution, the onus falls on educational leaders to ensure that education keeps pace with these changes.

Educational leadership extends beyond formal job titles and encompasses anyone within school communities who takes the lead in facilitating student success—teachers, support staff, administrators, and individuals embodying leadership attributes. Amidst the AI revolution, all are responsible for preparing teachers and students for this paradigm shift.

Navigating this complex terrain demands courage and innovation from educational leaders. It requires a willingness to take risks, experiment with novel approaches, and embrace change. These leaders must challenge established norms, question traditional teaching methodologies, and remain open to new ideas.

The challenge is formidable, but the potential benefits are immense. Educational leaders who exhibit courage and innovation can cultivate a learning environment that is not only engaging and dynamic but also attuned to the demands of the 21st century. By embracing change, they empower teachers and students to acquire the skills and knowledge essential for success in the AI-dominated future. The goal is not merely to treat AI as a tool but to integrate it seamlessly into the fabric of daily life.

The message to all educational leaders is clear: be brave, bold, and innovative. Embrace the AI revolution and guide teachers and students toward a brighter future. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards of enriched education and readiness for the evolving landscape will undoubtedly be worth the effort.

Practical Question:

The practical question posed is how to boost literacy levels in students using AI and, reciprocally, how to prepare students for the AI revolution with enhanced literacy skills. The emphasis is on exploring ways AI can complement literacy education, leading to a more holistic and adaptive approach to learning.

The practical question posed is how to boost literacy levels in students using AI and, reciprocally, how to prepare students for the AI revolution with enhanced literacy skills. The emphasis is on exploring ways AI can complement literacy education, leading to a more holistic and adaptive approach to learning.

The Broader Definition of Literacy

Literacy encompasses reading, writing, speaking, and listening effectively to communicate and make sense of the world.

The Problem

Some individuals fear AI tools might make students overly reliant on them, potentially leaving education with inadequate literacy skills. However, it is argued that students need high literacy skills for generative AI tools like ChatGPT to be effective in the first place.

Literacy Levels and the Opportunity

Given that literacy levels are already a concern, the question arises: Should students leave the education system with low AI skills due to inadequate literacy skills, or is there an opportunity to enhance both literacy and AI skills simultaneously?

The Connection Between Literacy And AI

Effective use of large language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, requires high literacy levels. Clear and concise language is essential for accurate AI responses. 

AI As A Literacy Skill

Communicating effectively with AI is becoming a crucial life skill. Using language models well can be a differentiator in the AI revolution. Those who can do it will survive, and those who excel at it will thrive.

Literacy As A Key To Creative Skills

In the AI revolution, creative skills are considered literacy skills. AI tools, like ChatGPT, can execute tasks ranging from coding to video editing based on written instructions. It highlights the intertwined nature of literacy and creative AI applications.

Looking To The Future

Current examples, like ChatGPT producing code and tools like Runway video editor responding to text instructions, indicate that the future will continue to witness advancements. The connection between large language models and the physical world, including robots, is evolving.

The Integration Of Llms Into New Realities

Efforts are being made to connect LLMs to the physical world, potentially leading to a new level of the ‘Internet of Things.’ Integration of LLMs into the metaverse is also underway, enabling users to create new worlds through spoken commands.

The Importance Of Literacy

Rather than diminishing in importance, literacy is becoming even more critical in the age of AI. The false dichotomy of literacy versus AI is deemed misleading, as both are intricately connected.

Reading Skills And AI:

Acquiring reading skills is a crucial milestone in a child’s educational development. As educators, our continuous quest for innovative methods drives us to enhance this journey, making it captivating, efficient, and tailored to each student’s unique needs. Reflecting on a decade of teaching reading, I eagerly envision the integration of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).

Recalling my experiences teaching 7th-grade English Language Arts, I remember conducting individual assessments of Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) for each student. This process spanned three days, utilizing the same reading passage for every student, regardless of their proficiency level. Unfortunately, this approach lacked the adaptability needed for varying rates of student progress and provided limited opportunities for timely intervention. The focus seemed more on data collection than enriching the learning experience, leaving me needing help adequately supporting the rest of my students.

Artificial Intelligence introduced a revolutionary tool in early reading instruction: an AI-powered platform that instils genuine enthusiasm for reading and provides personalized guidance and assistance to young learners.

AI in reading is reshaping early reading education by employing advanced technology grounded in the Science of Reading. Real-time assessments and feedback improve oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The interactive and adaptive approach tailors support to individual student needs, nurturing a passion for reading and expediting literacy skills development.

AI reading platforms embody the ‘Science of Reading’ by enhancing decoding proficiency, supporting phonological awareness, and reinforcing sight word recognition. It adjusts content based on background knowledge and enriches vocabulary through contextual exposure. Additionally, it refines text comprehension by teaching structural analysis and reasoning, ensuring a comprehensive approach to reading development.

OpenAI introduced ChatGPT in November 2023, unveiling a groundbreaking AI chatbot system showcasing advanced artificial intelligence’s remarkable potential. This revolutionary tool allows users to pose numerous inquiries and receive almost instantaneous responses.

The transformative ChatGPT technology has steadfastly altered the dynamics of our daily lives and workplaces. Educators now face the challenge of adapting to this AI-driven world to adequately prepare learners for future endeavours. Given these circumstances, educators must proactively explore ways to establish a successful educational experience that aligns with modern technological advancements.

How Will It Save A Teacher’s Time? A Few Instances:

  1. It will accurately mark an English Language exam paper in 10 seconds.
  2. It will generate a Geography class lesson booklet in less than 2 minutes, complete with content, hinge questions, group tasks, stretch exercises, and keyword definitions.
  3. It will create a series of retrieval practice questions for a Photosynthesis class in seconds, incorporating different question types based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  4. It will generate a comprehensive curriculum intent document for parents and translate it for Ukrainian parents.

In essence, the future of education with AI envisions a collaborative environment where technology augments the educator’s role, fostering a symbiotic relationship between human expertise and the capabilities of AI tools. This shift allows educators to invest more time and energy in cultivating students’ holistic development, emphasizing skills and rote memorization to understand the world around them. Ultimately, the goal is to 

Key Benefits:

Educators harness the innovative ChatGPT platform to push boundaries and broaden learning possibilities. These possibilities include creating immersive lesson plans with resources, developing stimulating quizzes tailored to individual student’s needs, providing personalized feedback on their progress, and swiftly grading assignments – the potential applications of this revolutionary platform seem boundless!

Pricing and Plans:

While OpenAI’s ChatGPT offers open and unrestricted access globally, reports suggest potential delays in response times, especially when dealing with a large volume of inquiries, making it less reliable for quick and efficient use. Subscribers to ChatGPT Plus enjoy enhanced benefits at $20 per month, including guaranteed access during peak hours, faster response times, and early access to exciting new features.

How Will ChatGPT Change Education?

I’ve been sharing techniques and insights on Twitter about how this technology will revolutionize the lives of teachers and educational leaders (and that’s no exaggeration). Here are some responses from the community:

“It’s brilliant. Tech for good!”


“Bloody hell, that’s pretty impressive!”


“Brilliant! The amount of things ChatGPT can be used for is astounding. I always love seeing more educational use cases that implement AI like this! In the next five years, we will see heavy adoption within educational systems.”


“I remember the moment in 1999 when my tutor at uni told me about Google. I wrote it down to look it up (on dial-up in the library!) It is the next big one.”


These reactions reflect the hundreds of hours this technology could save teachers annually and its impact on how students learn.

create a dynamic educational landscape that prepares students for standardized tests based on learning and critical thinking.

Innovative companies, like Chronicle Cloud, are integrating this technology into purpose-made platforms. Chronicle Cloud has incorporated AI into its Lesson Plan and Notes and Group Notes features.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI in the hands of teachers worldwide, will optimize their practice, give teachers and educators a significant amount of time, and give them back their lives.

Integrating AI, such as ChatGPT, into education doesn’t imply the replacement of teachers but envisions a future where educators leverage AI as a powerful educational tool. As AI becomes increasingly valuable, it has the potential to liberate educators, allowing them to concentrate on the more human aspects of education – adopting roles as facilitators and guides. This shift underscores the importance of nurturing students’ skills to become independent thinkers and active agents in their learning processes.

In this evolving framework for learning with ChatGPT, the central tenet is curiosity. Empowering students to take agency in their learning journey necessitates granting them the freedom to pursue their curiosity. In this context, the teacher assumes a pivotal role, focusing on developing skills such as questioning, fostering discourse, encouraging critical analysis, and facilitating practical application. The teacher becomes a mentor, guiding students through a learning experience that prioritizes exploration, inquiry, and the development of essential life skills.

The apprehension among some teachers about AI, specifically ChatGPT, potentially damaging literacy levels or making students lazy is a concern worth addressing. This exploration focuses on understanding the connection between literacy and artificial intelligence, emphasizing literacy in the AI era.

Integrating AI, such as ChatGPT, into education doesn’t imply the replacement of teachers but rather envisions a future where educators leverage AI as a powerful educational tool. As AI becomes increasingly valuable, it has the potential to liberate educators, allowing them to concentrate on the more human aspects of education – adopting roles as facilitators and guides. This shift underscores the importance of nurturing students’ skills to become independent thinkers and active agents in their learning processes.

In this evolving framework for learning with ChatGPT, the central tenet is curiosity. Empowering students to take agency in their learning journey necessitates granting them the freedom to pursue their curiosity. In this context, the teacher assumes a pivotal role, focusing on developing skills such as questioning, fostering discourse, encouraging critical analysis, and facilitating practical application. The teacher becomes a mentor, guiding students through a learning experience that prioritizes exploring and developing essential life skills.