Blog, Posts & Articles
Standard-based learning. Many schools are adopting it, but what exactly is it? Standard-based learning moves away from traditional letter grades and/or percentages, and focuses the curriculum on specific, measurable learning goals. Standard-based learning is a methodology that defines exactly what the students need to learn. By providing students with both formal and informal activities, teachers […]
Our parent-teacher conferences are also known as “goal-setting conferences.” Whether at a formal goal-setting conference or not, a parent will often convey something about their child that they would like for me to either know and/or help them with. This is where Chronicle’s Miscellaneous Notes feature comes in. Many apps allow you to take some […]
I feel fluency and flexibility aren’t too different. Flexibility is often neglected in one’s fitness routine, and likewise, fluency can often be neglected in a teacher’s instructional routine, especially as students get older. And just like flexibility, it is easy to let fluency slip by, being there is so much to focus on in terms […]
In our new Chronicle update (should be available by mid-January), one newly implemented feature is the ability to incorporate a point system in an effort to better manage groups (please note student names and photos are blurred for anonymity). These groups may be book discussion groups, cooperative groups in science, debate teams, etc. The individual […]
How far we’ve come! The price for this computer in 1984 was $2495.
A really interesting read on student grit. Check it out!
At Powerhouse Education, we describe ourselves as a company dedicated to improving best practices in the classroom. So how does Chronicle help support best practice methodologies? Below are 10 best practices that Chronicle assists teachers with: 1. Frequent, individualized meetings with students 2. The use of student data to inform instructional decisions 3. Tailoring instruction […]
There have been so many times that I’ve sat down to do my report cards, and I’ve second-guessed the mark I put down, had to look through an old stack of papers for confirmation, or have created a quick assessment for that confirmation. Looking at the report cards we need to complete for each student, […]
When creating Chronicle, there were a lot of use cases that we were able to foresee in the development phase. For example, we incorporated the audio functionality because we knew it would be an ideal way to capture a student’s fluency during Reading Workshop. Additionally, there have been many times that I’ve been conferring with […]
As a new teacher, I was definitely wet behind the ears. There was a lot I didn’t know, and many mistakes were made. My understanding of how to assess and track student growth was extremely limited, and I can vividly remember my first set of parent-teacher conferences being somewhat disastrous, being that I lacked the […]