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Just as being a fluent reader frees up the brain to focus on deeper comprehension of the text, math fact fluency frees up the brain to focus on higher-level math concepts. With the mastery of math facts comes less time-solving problems, less fatigue, and frustration, less math anxiety. This year one of my SGOs (Student […]
Word Study has become a popular component of many districts’ balanced literacy approach. Donald Bear’s Words Their Way is one of the more well-known programs to provide an alternative approach to traditional spelling instruction. This program includes spelling inventories, administered 2-3 times a year. Having finished our first full week of school, I just administered the first […]
With Chronicle, it’s easy to manage and track reading assessments. Here’s one option: Using the integrated grade book, I enter TC Assessments as the Grading Event Category (my district uses reading assessments developed by Columbia University’s Teachers College – hence, “TC Assessments”). I then insert the students’ reading levels prior to entering my class (see June […]
Check out how Chronicle can help make the incorporation of the Common Core Standards a practical part of your daily teaching routine. Powerhouse Education welcomes inquiries regarding how Chronicle can support other educational standards if the Common Core Standards do not apply to you.
Good teachers need to effectively communicate with their students. However, effectively communicating with more than just the student is often the case in education. With Chronicle’s newest update, when teachers choose to share any multimedia note – perhaps a picture(s) of student work – the “To:” text field of the email automatically populates with those associated […]
Find out how Chronicle can help simplify the management of assessments: Check it out here on Emerging Ed Tech
So, I’ve been working on trying to help my students be more conscientious about taking neat and detailed notes in science. I know some teachers will collect every student’s science notes and grade them. To be honest though, I just have trouble finding the time. As a general education classroom teacher, I find myself assessing […]
Standard-based learning. Many schools are adopting it, but what exactly is it? Standard-based learning moves away from traditional letter grades and/or percentages, and focuses the curriculum on specific, measurable learning goals. Standard-based learning is a methodology that defines exactly what the students need to learn. By providing students with both formal and informal activities, teachers […]
Our parent-teacher conferences are also known as “goal-setting conferences.” Whether at a formal goal-setting conference or not, a parent will often convey something about their child that they would like for me to either know and/or help them with. This is where Chronicle’s Miscellaneous Notes feature comes in. Many apps allow you to take some […]
I feel fluency and flexibility aren’t too different. Flexibility is often neglected in one’s fitness routine, and likewise, fluency can often be neglected in a teacher’s instructional routine, especially as students get older. And just like flexibility, it is easy to let fluency slip by, being there is so much to focus on in terms […]
In our new Chronicle update (should be available by mid-January), one newly implemented feature is the ability to incorporate a point system in an effort to better manage groups (please note student names and photos are blurred for anonymity). These groups may be book discussion groups, cooperative groups in science, debate teams, etc. The individual […]
How far we’ve come! The price for this computer in 1984 was $2495.