How Is Chronicle Cloud Helping Teachers To Communicate Better With Parents
By Aristotle
Clear and continuous communication is crucial. Not only for academics is communication important, but it is imperative for building bonds too.
Some teachers may find the inbox inundation harassing, trying to keep up with a constant barrage of parent emails, while others struggle to get parents involved. However, as teachers, we must empathize with parents if they fail to devote as much time and try to find the best ways possible to communicate with parents for the sake of the student. Effective communication with parents is imperative for student progress.
We must work with parents to help all children be successful in their school years and help them prepare for higher education and a successful career.
Communication plays a fundamental role in keeping parents engaged. We must keep on motivating parents, grandparents, or caregivers and communicate that they make invaluable contributions to their child’s education.
I have found during my teaching years that it pays to be proactive. A teacher has the power to strengthen the parent-teacher communication chain. That has proven to be an incentive to me as a teacher. Let me tell you how.
- The first rule is to communicate, communicate and communicate. Because the more you communicate, the more you ensure parent involvement.
- Keep your expectations low- As teachers, the one thing that we have to learn is to keep our expectations low. We know every child has a different set of capabilities, and it is a fallacy to expect every child to outperform others. We tend to get swamped with the hustle. Hence, the second rule is that we honor uniqueness. As teachers, we must highlight the distinctiveness of the child and communicate with parents.
- Nothing motivates more than a few positive words– Every parent wants to hear positive things about their child. There is no big motivation other than positive talking. And as teachers, we know every child has something or the other that is unique. Positive words go a long way in encouraging parents to get involved in their child’s education.
- Share, share, and share. Share anecdotes, share the achievements and the failures, share the littlest thing that caught your attention, BUT with a positive tone. Like I said earlier, As teachers, we know every child is unique. Look for the distinguishing characteristics, and you will find something positive to share with their parents.
- Consider every child equal. We must help every child achieve academic goals, irrespective of color, race, creed, or affluence levels.
- Engage, engage and engage.. Meet parents as often as you can. Plan house visits, call them over to school, plan weekend activities, conferences, workshops. Plan video calls, invite parents to a live classroom via video calls. Let them participate in their child’s education. And there you will see the difference.
- Work as a teamwith parents. We have to ensure that we work harmoniously with parents as a single powerful collective unit.
- All this is achievable through the seventh rule, which is the first rule- Communicate, communicate and communicate. đŸ™‚.
When parents participate at regular intervals, you will see that you will have to work less on the child because the home conversations will automatically become positive and lead to productive outcomes. The most important thing that we have to ensure is that we are on the same page.
The best part is that it has become easy and painless to keep parents engaged in the times of technology-powered classrooms. Educational technology also comes with exciting new opportunities and better ways to interact with and engage parents in their child’s academic life. It’s probably never been simpler, thanks to education technology available today. Consider how you might utilize one or several new tools for parent outreach.
There are apps like Klassly, Thinkwave, Twitter, and a few more, that help teachers interact with parents. The problem is that these apps address one need, and not all. I found one app equipped with some of the most functional features teachers need to manage their classrooms. It also helped me immensely in connecting with the parents!
The Chronicle Cloud teacher app is the closest to what teachers need to manage their daily classroom tasks and communicate with parents.
A teacher from Oregon who stumbled upon the app could also see the benefit, saying:
“I am looking forward to using this app with my students and sharing data with parents at conferences. With the photo, video, audio capabilities, it can make sharing and communication with parents extremely easy.”
One of the benefits of communicating through the Chronicle Cloud app is that the parents are aware of their child’s daily activity and daily progress at school. With the Chronicle Cloud app, the teacher can share assignments, homework and monitor attendance also. The communication process between parents/ caregivers has been simplified and has become easy. Notwithstanding their busy schedules and professional-personal commitments, parents can collaborate with the teachers via the app. The Chronicle Cloud parent and teacher app is supported by sharing capabilities. The teacher can share assignments with parents and receive homework submissions via the app.
Education has transformed at a phenomenal speed with the internet. And even more with the advent of Educational Technology. New additions in the syllabus and innovative teaching methods have changed the objective of pedagogy.
Most parents are clueless about the modern methods of pedagogy adopted by the school administration to strengthen the education process for optimum learning outcomes. For instance, Project-Based learning exposes families to the latest technological and scientific tools and opportunities for cooperation. Even Challenge-Based Learning, which requires students to solve real-life problems, has exposed families to the latest happening in Educational Technology. Communication in such cases becomes crucial for the learning process. With the Chronicle Cloud Parent-Teacher app, parents are abreast with the latest happenings, and Smartphones have made accessing information anywhere-anytime easier.
One thing that has strengthened with the Chronicle Cloud app is Formative assessments. Formative assessments give a clear picture of the child’s learning stage to parents and teachers alike. Teachers can monitor progress, chalk out instructional needs, and communicate with parents.
Learning has become very personalized. Teachers can also set individual learning goals and share them with parents for their cooperation. Chronicle Cloud allows teachers to communicate assignment deadlines, download files and reach out to the teacher if necessary via Chronicle Cloud.
When parents participate at regular intervals, you will see that you will have to work less on the child because the home conversations will automatically become positive and lead to productive outcomes. Teachers and parents must work towards one goal: strengthening learning outcomes.